Micro sclerotherapy-Thread Veins
Micro sclerotherapy is the most successful treatment for thread veins on the legs. It is a safe and well established treatment. The procedure is a walk-in walk out intervention with no down time afterwards. A solution of sclerosant is injected into the thread veins via a very tiny fine needle. The solution causes the vein to swell and become sticky, allowing blood to adhere to the vein wall. Compression is usually then applied in the form of the stocking or bandage. Over time the injected veins will be resorbed and gradually fade. It is important to remember that a course of treatments is required to obtain a good result. You should budget for approximately 4 treatments, however the number of sessions required depends on the extent of the veins and how well they respond to the injection treatments. This will be discussed with you at the time of your assessment, as well as the suggested time between treatments. This is normally 3-4 weeks. Non-identifiable photographs of the treatment areas are taken before and after treatment. This helps us assess progress and plan future treatments. Prior to any treatment a duplex ultrasound scan of the leg will be performed to ensure there are no underlying feeding veins that are not visible on the surface of the leg. If feeding veins are identified they will need to be treated prior to micro sclerotherapy. If they are not treated it is highly likely the treated thread veins will reoccur.