I am a registered General Nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Council UK. I completed my Diploma in Nursing Studies at Queens University in 2001, followed by a BSc in Health studies in 2003. I also completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Dementia Studies from the University of Ulster in 2012. The majority of my career has been spent in surgical settings in Belfast and Derry/Londonderry. I have been working as a Vascular Nurse Specialist and Nurse Presciber in Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry/Londonderry since 2013, providing nurse led varicose vein and claudication clinics, as well as assisting during local anaesthetic varicose vein treatments. Stand-alone modules I have completed include vascular disease, specialist practice in vascular nursing care and healthcare assessment. I have also undergone micro sclerotherapy training, certified Via Wigmore medical and a venous ultrasound imaging course via Wessex Diagnostic. I am a member of the Society of Vascular Nurses UK. I have been Co-Director of Veins Northwest since its inception in 2016. I provide administrative as well as clinical support.