We have all noticed the COVID-19 Pandemic has dramatically changed the way we do things. Social distancing has become critical and we are looking into ways to ensure that distancing happens within all aspects of our practice. Both Zola and Patricia have recieved 3 doses of the COVID vaccine, 2 primary doses and the booster. We perform regular lateral flows voluntarily and only work when we feel well. On occasions due to close contacts we may have to cancel appointments at short notice. For this we apologise and will always try to reschedule ASAP.
During assessments our staff will wear masks and PPE, we ask that you wear masks or if these cannot be tolerated visors. Prior to treatments you will be tested for COVID and asked to self isolate prior to coming into hospital
As you will no doubt have noticed the advice regarding COVID 19 is fluid and ever-changing and as such we will continually review our service and implement whatever changes we think are prudent to ensure the safety of patients and staff.